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17 Ministries is a non-profit organization Section 501(c)(3).

The information provided by the organization on 17 Ministries is for general informational purposes only. The content - text, images, graphics, or videos are subject to copyright protection. In case you want to use the content, reach out to 17 Ministries. The content here is subject to protection under all rights. Should you require more information about the organization, reach out with queries at 17 Ministries.

While all content produced belongs to the organization; however, the comments or opinions shared in the articles, etc., are personal and do not represent what the organization stands for. So, views expressed on the content are entirely personal, and we reserve the right to remove them if they don’t align with the organization’s interests or are offensive.

The organization does not endorse views or recommend advertisements on our website.

All information on the site is provided in good faith. Under no circumstance shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damage incurred due to the use of the site.

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